9 April - 9 June 2022
Opening Saturday, 9 April 2022, 12-6 p.m.
We dedicate the third part of our Close Encounter series to an older generation, illustrating the many paths between Expressionism, New Objectivity and Abstraction after 1945.
On view in alternating hangings are groups of works by Reinhold Ewald (1890–1974), Georg Heck (1897–1982), Bruno Müller-Linow (1909–1997), Ernst Weil (1919-1981), the newly discovered Grete Schmekel (1895-1977) and others.
For information on the current hanging, please see our website.
We are looking forward to welcome you!
Fig.: Reinhold Ewald, Schoolgirl with blond hair, 1922, oil/wood, 63 x 53 cm